600052 Kal Kit Turb / DW | Hf Scientific | Italy
Hf Scientific-600052 Kal Kit Turb / DW

600052 Kal Kit Turb / DW

Brand - Hf Scientific

Country of origin : USA Calibration Kit for turbidimeters Turb 2000 - Turb 2120 (Excluding Turb 2110). 0,02, 10 and 1.000 NTU - Sealed polymeric standards - no use of Formazin - Standards reusable - 0,02 NTU, 10 NTU and 1.000 NTU - most easy handling Three cuvettes with 0,02,10 and 1.000 NTU. One bottle with 125ml 10 NTU standard. Cleaning tissues and designation rings.

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